Monday 3 October 2011

My Mini Launcher - Day 1 (part 3)

And, at last, here's the bit that hides the status bar!

LayoutParams attributes = getWindow().getAttributes();
attributes.flags |= LayoutParams.FLAG_FULLSCREEN;

My Mini Launcher - Day 1 (part 2)

Well, I played with the 'Home' sample and got it working on my ec2 dev server running an Android emulator. Seems to work as other launchers - I get the choice of using it when I hit the home key in the emulator.

Next step is to read it, understand it, and then start fiddling with it e.g. cut it right back to the bare bones.

More tomorrow!

My Mini Launcher - Day 1 (part 1)

First research indicates that there is quite a lot out there, but it's messy and not well documented... quelle surprise! So far, I found useful:


More to come...

My Mini Launcher - Day 0

So, I've been wanting to create a custom launcher for Android for a while now. The headlines are:

1. Visually Minimal: The least possible to be visible
2. Small Codebase: Self explanatory
3. Well Documented: Serve as a tutorial for others

And that's it. Ok, research begins...